Welcome to /r/bodyweightfitness FAQ

If you are a beginner it's best to start with the basics. Just hover your cursor over the Read First section to know more.

If you do not want to read any theory go straight to Routine Selection Guide [link missing]

Find answers to your questions

If you're very new to this, read the "Getting Started" portion of the /r/Fitness FAQ, and the "Getting Started" portion of this FAQ.

If you're ready to learn more about bodyweight fitness in specific and how it all works, check out "Bodyweight Workout Specifics".

If you have questions about exercises like: "how do I do a handstand?", "should I do chinups or pullups?", or "how do I work my abs?", check out the specific exercise section.

If you have questions about programs like Convict Conditioning, Insanity or Bodyweight666, check out the premade programs section.

There's a glossary for those terms and acronyms that confuse a lot of beginners

If you have any other questions that don't fall into the categories above, take a look at the miscellaneous section. And if you still haven't got a satisfactory answer to your question, submit a post to /r/Bodyweightfitness. Just make sure to read the FAQ and the Posting Guidelines first.

Getting Started

Read the r/Fitness FAQ too!

This subreddit's FAQ contains information on nutrition and debunks some common exercise myths.

Diet, weight loss or gain

Whether you want to lose weight or put on muscle diet is key. Both weight loss and putting on muscle are 80% diet, with exercise being just a small portion.


You can either look into creating your own routine or follow one of the two we have provided.

Would you like to know more?

Workout specifics & Routine Creation


Goals are very important. Without them, you don't have any reason to work at something.

How Bodyweight Fitness Works

Bodyweight resistance training is real resistance training.

Building Muscle with Bodyweight Training

Yes, you can build muscle with bodyweight training.

Movements versus Muscles

Train movements, not muscles.

Skill Work and Strength Work

Whatever you do, make sure you devote some time to skill work if things like handstands, elbow levers and L-sit are part of your end goals.

Would you like to know more?

Read first.

The path to finding the answers to your questions.

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Getting Started

All the basics you need to know

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Bodyweight workout specifics/Routine Creation

In depth analysis of Bodyweigth training

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